The CoderDojo summer

It’s been a long and hot summer. Still a lot of you found some time to code. Here’s an overview of your best pictures.

CoderDojo Vilvoorde

In Vilvoorde, they learned how to code a drone using a microbit. Coding with an altitude. 


Coding outside at Anderlecht this summer with coach ‘JB’ teaching these youngsters some Scratch. Thanks to CoderDojo powered by Cultureghem.

CoderDojo Lier

In Lier, they had a CoderDojo national. Coding on our national holiday: voor vorst, voor vrijheid en voor recht!

Fri3d camp

These mBots were ready for a pop-up Dojo at Fri3d camp. A lot of kids joined them for some coding fun. More info on:

Raspberry Pi Jam Roeselare

Some coding enthusiast gathered in RSL De Post in Roeselare for a Raspberry Pi Jam. Young and old teaching eachother. With some help from our friends at CoderDojo Izegem.
